

Showcase of projects that I have engineered, managed and/or contributed.

US Government's Open Data

US Government's Open Data

The home of the U.S. Government’s open data.

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National Health Service (UK)

National Health Service (UK)

Open Data Portal for the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).

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Denmark Open Data

Denmark Open Data

Open Data from public sector of Denmark.

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Northern Ireland Open Data

Northern Ireland Open Data

Easy access to Northern Ireland public sector data for both reuse and redistribution.

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CKAN Cloud

CKAN Cloud

Managed CKAN in the cloud.

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Denmark Energy Data Portal

Denmark Energy Data Portal

EnergiDataPortal intends to embrace all Energinet’s initiatives that deal with open data, whether it be display, use or inspiration.

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Denmark Energy Data Service

Denmark Energy Data Service

Open energy data from Energinet to society

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National Grid ESO Data Portal

National Grid ESO Data Portal

Open data from Great Britain’s Electricity System Operator.

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Montréal Open Data

Montréal Open Data

Information assets that are important both to the city and to citizens.

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New Mexico Water Data

New Mexico Water Data

A collection of water data - for effective water management and planning.

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Open and Standard datasets for Kazakhstan

Open and Standard datasets for Kazakhstan

Open and Standard datasets for Kazakhstan including core data such as demographics and geo boundaries.

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COVID-19 Dataset

COVID-19 Dataset

Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases.

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Core Datasets

Core Datasets

Important, commonly-used datasets in high quality, easy-to-use & open form as data packages.

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DataHub with over thousands of datasets for free and a Premium Data Service for additional or customised data with guaranteed updates.

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Data CLI

Data CLI

Command line tool for working with data, Data Packages and the DataHub.

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A lightweight, standardized library accessing files and datasets, especially tabular ones (CSV, Excel).

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State of carbon

State of carbon

The dashboard displaying state of PM2.5 globally.

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London - City Dashboard

London - City Dashboard

The London Dashboard is a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access data relating to the capital.

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